Maximising profitability and margins has just become easier. Margin Master is a retail pricing software tool, a critical profit driver in retail today that can save you time and make you money.
A step by step user friendly computer programme, Margin Master helps retailers make incremental gains to their bottom line without impacting on sales. This tool enables retailers to achieve incremental gains to their bottom line and easily identify margin opportunities .
Margin Master enables retailers to easily manage margins across their product range and make changing price points a less daunting and time consuming task.
Imagine making this task easier, efficient and more effective – Margin Master is the solution.
Increase profit and Improve Cash Flow
You won’t believe how simple this is to do – without slowing sales. Manage your margins at the click of a button with this professional easy to use pricing tool.
Increase and Control your Margins
You can now use your personal computer to have 100% control of ALL your margins. Manage your margins at the click of a button.
Hands on Control of Pricing
It has never been easier to apply new price changes and see what impact they will have to your bottom line before implementing the changes.
Flexibility to react quickly to cost of business increases
Never thought this was possible, well it is now with Margin Master
Make informed decisions at the click of a button
You get to see the big picture on one screen. You will have the required information to make intelligent pricing decisions.
A formalised and winning approach to your retail pricing
Once you see this in action and demo it yourself it is a no brainer solution in your business.
Gain competitive advantage and grow your business
Margin Master lets you SMART price your products.
Saves you time
Removes one of the ‘big, manual, time consuming business tasks’ you do on a regular basis, all in one simple programme.
Latest Technological on-line Customer Care
We have a customer care team ready to support Margin Master Retailers achieve their goals when implementing Margin Master in their business.
High return on investment with very short payback
Effective computerised management of your margins gives instant results to your bottom line.